Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Jollies

Tonight Lon and I went to the Mall. It was pretty crazy. Our strategy is to be super patient, cheerful, kind, etc. A sort of "Kill 'em with kindness" mindset.
Lon was in the cell phone store (boring) and I was in a nearby store and bought a couple of things. He was thoroughly engrossed in the salesman's spiel about this phone and didn't notice me when I walked in. I walked up behind him and stood as closely as I could without quite touching him. He didn't do anything. Then I leaned into him. Still no response. I had the silent giggles so I had to lean back while I gained control, then I leaned again until I was actually moving him forward into the counter. Still nothing. Finally I couldn't stand it and gave him a shove! He noticed me and started laughing. I asked him if he even felt what I was doing. He replied that of course he felt me and thought I was just a really rude person.
It takes so little to amuse us (the clerk thought it was pretty funny, too).

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