Thursday, January 13, 2011


Today marks the six month anniversary of my liver transplant for my familial amyloidosis. (if you want details of the transplant, click on the July, 2009 post in the right column) In many respects it has been a lot tougher than I expected, specifically the two hospitalizations for complications. There have also been many "surprises." I am a big wimp and have always been afraid of pain. Surprisingly enough, the pain associated with the transplant has been very well managed. My veins are really in bad shape. The last time I was in the hospital it was so hard to get I.V.'s started, and routine blood tests have become quite tricky.
I am so grateful (I wish there was a "stronger" word) that my kidneys are still working. More than anything I have wanted to avoid dialysis and with the bummer liver out of my body and not producing amyloid, my kidneys have improved a little bit.
The meds are hard to take with lots of side effects, but I am managing.
I'm thankful that my husband has been such a huge help. I have not heard one complaint from him. He has been a wonderful example to me and our children, I have tried to be patient and more patient, but it's hard when you are used to being the one who helps and runs things. It 's hard to be on the accepting end of pretty much everything. He's always been a good cook, but he has really stretched his wings to include laundry, cleaning the kitchen, mopping, etc., etc.
The kids and kids in law have also been champs. They have had a housecleaner over and have been ready to do anything. I have had flowers and cards and visits and many beautiful pictures from grandkids.
I'm grateful to friends for get well cards. Any time I would be feeling down, it seems like I would have a card or note in the mail. More than once Lon would catch me with tears in my eyes reading cards.
Now the big question. How will I celebrate this milestone? I've been thinking about this all week, and think I have the perfect answer. I'm going to vacuum! Yep. I've missed (?) vacuuming. It's looking good to be normal again!


  1. Wow! I can't believe it's already been six months! I can't help but think of the family of your donor. I wonder if they thought about the date today, marking six months without their daughter, sister, wife or mother. It makes me sad to think about it! Too bad you don't know her favorite treat to have or something she liked to do that you could do on every anniversary to remember her.

    Be careful with the vacuuming. That uses a lot of core muscles you probably haven't used in awhile. Don't go overboard. Maybe just start with the family room and make Dad do the rest. Love you!!! Happy 1/2 year anniversary to you and your liver!

  2. I've been thinking of the donor a lot lately too. What an incredible, unselfish ting to do--in the midst of their tragedy they could think of total stangers who so desperately need something only she could provide. I'm so grateful.

  3. Aunt Donna is here at our house and we are all so thrilled at how well you are doing. Our prayers are certainly being answered. We all send our love and continuous prayers.

  4. How was the vacuuming?

    Happy Anniversary! Still praying for you and looking forward to many more anniversaries! :)

  5. Oh my Cathy.....
    We are ever soooo grateful you are still on this side of the veil.
    Thank you for this blog so i can "sort of" keep in touch.
    We love you and keep you and Lon in our prayers permanently.
    Sending lots of love your way~!!

  6. Um, I'm still waiting for some Christmas pics of you sporting a swanky new red purse??? The little girls are dying to see you with it after all their hard work of picking it out!
