Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Back to the Doctor

I go to UCSF on Tuesdays. On Mondays and Thursdays I go to Kaiser for lab work (and my Monday shot). Going so often blurs the week. On Monday when I went Lon, gave them the UCSF lab sheet. It has orders to test 18 different things. The receptionist said that my kidney doctor wanted a urine test too. OK. They called me in and she had all the bar coded tags ready and started taking blood. And more blood. She said they were small tubes. I was a little concerned because my anemia is so bad and I work like crazy to get my numbers up. Well, I start getting the lab results on line. It seems the receptionist went crazy. In addition to the UCSF labs, she included labs from both my liver doctor and my kidney doctor. So there were duplicates. Seriously, can't they read the same labs? One interesting note is that my two different creatnine tests had two different results. Weird.
Yesterday the trip to UCSF was one that I was really, really dreading. Staple removal. Sixty-four staples, 128 little, sad holes in my abdomen. I planned my pain pills very carefully to make sure I would have the most relief at the best possible time. I counted on Lon being lucid to adjust the meds and all that stuff. The doctor came in first and tweaked the meds. I complained about being tired. He said I was doing better than 90% of their transplants and I had just had a huge surgery and I needed to be patient. Sure. When have I ever heard that before? I wish I learned faster.
Then the nurse came in to remove these mean staples. I had to sit in a chair kind of like a dentist's chair. She brought it up high and leaned the seat back. The staples on the side are the most tender. Did you hear me scream? That's because I didn't. There were a few ow's and a few wiggles, and she got them all out. She then put steri-strips on them. I'm not sure what they will do other than adding to the adhesive build-up.
I am so happy the staples are out. They hurt a little more the rest of the night, but this morning I can tell I'm a little closer to getting back to my old self!
I got to keep all of the staples. Let's just say , "Kids, there might be a little something extra in your stockings this Christmas."


  1. Oh, Cathy, I just love reading your blogs! I am so happy you have still got your great sense of humor and am thrilled you are doing so well! I think of you often--you are still in our prayers.

  2. A staple collection! How cool is that. I kept the screws that went into my pelvis when it was broken in a car accident many many years ago. They did not use staples back then or maybe I would have kept those too! Miss you!

  3. I see a staple necklace or bracelet coming in the future. Maybe you could consider making one as a part of therapy.

    Glad you are doing so well. Doing better than 90% is a pretty good number.

    Think of you so often and miss you at the temple.

    Janet S.

  4. Glad to hear you survived the staple removal! Just think of all the different crafts you can make with that many staples. Good thing you are so creative!
