Tuesday, February 9, 2010

On the way to a decision

Lon and I met 39 years ago. We were both students at San Jose State and met in the Institute parking lot. We loved being together from the moment we met. On a sunny but cold February day (much like today) we decided to take a ride to Mt. Hamilton. It's a very long drive on a windy road. Back in 1971 when we took the drive it was on his Honda 90 motorcycle. We were both much lighter then, but the motorcycle still had trouble climbing up the road. As we got higher in elevation it got colder. At the top of the mountain there were piles of snow and patches of ice. Of course being young and in love didn't mean that we were smart. The weather might have been fine in San Jose, but it was COLD on the top of the mountain. We went into the restrooms and washed our hands--with warm water, then hurried right back down the hill.
We took that drive today. We stopped at Peter's bakery (a favorite for years and years) and I had the most divine eclair (I know--I can't have any fat for the rest of the week) and Lon had a snail. We had a chance to talk through all the stuff we'd been learning and praying about and came to a decision that we both feel good about. We didn't make it to the top. At Grant Ranch a University of California policeman was there and told us the rest of the road was closed. It was closed because of snow and ice. He did say it would open in two hours, but by then it would be dark, and we had our decision--the real purpose of the drive.