Tuesday, July 13, 2010

ICU--Doing as well as can be expected

We just visited Mom in the ICU. She is conscious but still very tired and groggy. Her nurse is named Miriam.

The nurse asked Mom which hospital she was in and what day it was, and Mother answered correctly. The nurse said that at this point many patients can't remember.

Blood pressure and breathing rate are normal. She is being eased her off the oxygen. They are taking frequent blood samples to monitor liver and kidney function. She is receiving Dilaudid for pain.

Miriam said that Mom may be able to get up and sit in a chair today. It will hurt, but apparently it is much easier to get moving sooner. Mother is agreeable to the idea. At this point, she seems to have a great attitude about everything. Could leave the ICU within the next two days.


  1. Cathy, we are thinking about you! You are in our prayers!

  2. Glad to hear it's going well. Praying for you!

  3. I think the Dilaudid might have something to do with her being so agreeable. It's good to hear she's doing well and its amazing that they're getting her moving around already.

  4. So far so good. We're thinking about Grandma every minute!
