Friday, July 16, 2010

Settled In

Cathy is doing very well. We just did a lap of the hospital floor with the physical therapist. Cathy was up and down mock stairs as well. The big news is that her kidney function has improved slightly. Her doctors don't think that she will need dialysis while she is here at the hospital and the shunt in her neck can come out today. She is happy and up beat and tapering off the pain meds some.



  1. So glad to read this update. Way to go kidneys!!!Just thinking about us all last week in the temple. And looking forward to many more times there with the Tidwells. Love you guys.

  2. Looking good Mom and Dad! I LOVE the "fall risk" sign in the background. That picture is awesome!

  3. We have seen many miracles recently- including getting a "young liver, your kidneys "behaving" and a "pretty speedy" recovery. Perhaps all of those prayers said for you over the past three months have been collecting for just this time. We will keep praying. I am so surprised how well it seems you are doing. My brother, "Uncle Scott" says these liver transplants are pretty tough operations. So keep up the good work Cathy.

  4. Thank you Robin. I sort of feel like a rock star just walking around. The prayers are certainly a big help!
